Friday, June 16, 2017

Polina's 11th Birthday

On June 13th Polina turned 11. In the morning we woke her up with a birthday song, watched Cleveland loose to Golden State (they played in the evening of the 12th but here it was the morning of the 13th), had a yummy breakfast of "Nun Puffs" and opened presents. 

Birthday breakfast  

Lina is waiting for her sisters to clean up after breakfast so she could start opening presents.

Her sisters gave her a game of darts! Lina is in heaven!

Her babushka gave her a turquoise thermos, Lina is in 7th heaven! 

Track clothes from her parents. I am not sure she needs to be any more wild than she already is but...
Modeling their track clothes (Nika got hers on her birthday as well)

To celebrate her birthday we took the kids to Mega Silk Way Mall across the street that afternoon where Polina chose to do rock climbing. I think it was a right choice, everybody had a blast, and we found out that we have two fearless kids (Lina and Sophie) and two more cautious ones (Nika and Lexa). Afterwards we took the family to the Korean House for dinner. Spencer’s colleague from Korea said that they have the best Korean food in town, and they really do (not like I tried every single Korean restaurant here but…). Then we went home for cake that I made from scratch. Yep, I am a pretty cool mom!

Getting ready to receive instruction for climbing.

This was Lina's favorite one. She climbed and jump off it ten times or so.
Here is Lexa jumping off

Sophie is a fearless climber!

Lina is climbing on the spinning circles while Lexa is stuck on the regular one.

Another fun one.

Lina is walking on the top of these pipes. She was very fast.
Sitting in Korea house waiting for our order.

Having Mama's delicious lemon cake to end the day!

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