Monday, January 2, 2017


One day in December the girls came home from their sculpting class at the Children's Palace with very mysterious looks on their faces. They ran into some Kazakh celebrities! Apparently, when they were at their class, a group that were filming a movie came in. They wanted to use their pottery shop as a place for one of the scenes in the movie called “The Secret of the Museum” (working title), so the girls got to witness how it is all done. At the end Polina asked her little sister Sophie to ask the main character for an autograph. Sophie went right up to them and did it! That kid isn't afraid of anything! Well, maybe flue shots… Anyway, her other sisters wanted an autograph as well, so Sophie obtained one for each of them. The only person she forgot about was herself! :) Our adventures of living in Kazakhstan continue!  

The proud owners of celebrity autographs and Sophie without whom it wouldn't be possible The only thing they had with them to sign were their sketch books.
 Speaking of the sculpting class, the girls love it. They get to be creative and make all kinds of things and even try their hand at pottery wheel. It also provides them with endless amount of things to give to each other and us as birthday presents.

Here is Lina who made this flower pot and tray all by herself

Pretty good for a first timer!

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