Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Vacation in Utah - Water Fun Part I

At the end of June we went back to Utah for our summer vacation. We spent a little over a month hanging out with family and friends and also participating in some fun outdoor adventures. It was awesome! We feel like we totally recharged and are ready to spend another year here in Kazakhstan.

Our first few adventures involved water in one way or another! Our very first full day after arrival to Utah we went up to the Payson lake. It was literally a 10 minute drive from Spencer's mom's home up the Payson Canyon but in my 6 years of living in Utah I have never been there. In fact I have never been to any of the places we went on adventures this summer. I guess when you live in some place you always tend to explore things that are further away and totally overlook the amazing things that are right under your nose! Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from the Payson lake because I lost my old camera a week before we left Astana and hadn't yet bought my new fancy camera that I have now. But even though I do not have pictures to prove it, the lake was beautiful and peaceful even with a couple of YW camps around it.

A couple of days later we went to Bear Lake up in Idaho (we might have stayed on the Utah side of it) for a family reunion. That is another place I'd often driven past but hadn't visited it until this summer. The lake was gorgeous with its beautiful clear blue water (and this time I already had my camera with me), too cold for my liking but the kids had a lot of fun swimming with their second cousins. We had a lot of fun there!

Drive up to the Bear Lake. These mountains remind me so much of Altai, where my family is from.

Kids swimming in the Bear Lake. They didn't mind the cool water at all.

Playing with the second cousins

So tired after a whole day in the water and sun.

Our next adventure was up the Provo Canyon on the 4th of July. We got together with Spencer's brother Burl and his family, his sister Suzette and her family and Spencer's mom and had a fun time visiting, playing games and even fishing on the Provo river.  

Playing games

Uncle Mike teaching the kids the art of fishing. He should be awarded a medal for being so patient!

Sophie turned out to be a good fisherman. She got a hang of it right away.

Lexa's line kept getting stuck in the rocks.
Nika is trying her hand in fishing

Lina is loving it!
We all had such a great time!

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