Yulia got a call from the twins' teacher on Friday afternoon (August 30) that there would be a parents' meeting at the school at 7:00 p.m. that day. We arranged with Jon that he would come with us so that he could get information for his son who is in the same class. At the meeting we were told that the first graders would have their "line up" (Линейка) on Monday, September 1st at 9:00. We needed to be there at 8:30. After the line-up a few classes, not ours, would have a short lesson as a demonstration for the day's special guest: President Nazarbayev himself!
Monday was a holiday in Kazakhstan (Constitution day was celebrated) and so I didn't have work. Yulia's mom had arrived the day before on the train from Krasnoyarsk, so we had an entire contingent of folks to go to the festivities.
Waiting at the bus stop on the first day of school - the twins in their uniforms! |
The three amigos on their way to "the line-up"! |
Riding the bus to school - It was nice and empty on the holiday. |
Walking from the bus to school |
There were a lot of people at the school. There was a girl handing out balloons to all of the kids in attendance, especially the first graders in their uniforms.
The twins with their balloons. |
1V (1В) Class sign and the twins with their balloons. |
It was quite chaotic getting everyone lined up with their classes and keeping the parents in the background. That was coupled with the extra presidential security made for a bit of a crowded space in the school's courtyard.
One side of the courtyard, parents in the background behind the kids and next to the wall. |
The ceremony was quite simple and nice[1]. The older kids danced, there was a ribbon cutting by one of the younger kids to open the school, and a first bell of the year rung by a first grader being led around by an 11th grader (senior here).
First grade girl ringing the first bell (Первый Звонок) being led by a senior. |
As part of the ceremony all of the children released their balloons. |
Seniors doing a dance number. The boys were not super enthused (are most boys ever super enthused about forced dance numbers?) |
Getting ready to cut the ribbon to open School 75! |
All in all it was a pretty good way to start the school year. Our only complaint was that we didn't get to hear a speech by the President. Apparently he came to the school and walked around during the short lessons after the ceremony.
The twins and James with their teacher, K. Ulkhanovna. |
The main thing was that the school was opened. It was actually ready on the 1st of September and our kids were ready to get started.
Leaving the school after the ceremonies were over. School 75 is open for business. |
[1] They announced during the ceremony the following statistics:
1. There were five new schools opening in Astana that day.
2. Of the nearly 1 million residents of the city, over 100,000 are school-age children
3. The school had been built for a capacity of 2,000 students and there were nearly 4,000 signed up already.
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