Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring in Astana

Spring has finally arrived to Astana. The weather has being beautiful for the last week or so. It is actually more summer like if only we had more greenery around. The trees are just starting turning green. The grass is still yellow and dry in a lot of places but quickly turning green, and the first flowers are shooting up out of the ground. We’ve had a very, very long winter and I don’t think I have ever being so excited for spring to come. Finally it decided to visit this part of the world!

On Friday, May 1, was a Unity Day here in Kazakhstan. It is a federal holiday held in place of a Labor Day celebrated during the Soviet Union Era. Kazakhstan is a multinational country, so this day is to celebrate unity of all peoples who live in the territory of Kazakhstan. As with every other holiday here there were a lot of things going on in the city to entertain anybody who wanted to be entertained. We decided to take a walk from Knan Shatyr to Bayterek. One thing I noticed that people weren’t sure how to dress yet. It was about 75F but some people still wore heavy jackets, especially little kids. I’ve seen some little kids being dressed in snow pants and winter coats with winter hats! We in our short sleeve t-shirts probably looked out of place.

A street concert on the square across from Khan Shatyr

a Kazakh folk dance group performing at the square

Everybody must be really anxious for spring to come because they put up these fake blooming trees in a lot of public squares! 

I loved these mother-daughter outfits! We saw a couple of them that day.

We are so glad they finally turned on the fountains!

See those birch trees? They are finally turning green!

People! They are still not sure what to wear.

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