Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Yuki the Dog

Our dog Yuki is a world-class traveler! She has now spent half of her life in a foreign country half way around the world from the place she was born in (which was the state of Iowa). She is one of the two shiba-inu dogs in Astana, so you can imagine she is quite a celebrity wherever she goes. Our vets here love her. Girl-students on campus go crazy when they see her, always wanting to pet her. Boy-students are more reserved but she can squeeze a smile even out of them. Some of our basketball girls squeal with delight whenever they see us outside with her. What can I say, life is great for her! Especially when Babushka comes to town. That lady just spoils her rotten!!! So, here is Yuki's life in pictures.

This soul-piercing look! By the way our dog matches our interior! Or is it the other way around? 

"When it is -30 C outside, I like to lay under the radiator!"

Family movie night? Sure!
"I need my beauty sleep every single day! No, make it every single hour!"

Awe, those tired paws... they've gotten her into a mischief so many times!

"OK, boss, show me where it's written that popcorn is not for dogs!"

"May be if I lay here quietly, she won't notice that I am on the couch..."

"Hey, you, down there! That is MY territory!"
"Oh, you want to take a picture of me?"
"I don't think I am ready...I didn't have time to put myself together this morning."

"Nope, not going to look at you!"

"Still taking pictures? I am out of here!"

And the first prize goes to ... The Lion Queen!!!

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